Showing posts with label fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fiction. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Labeling the Chapters in a Work of Fiction


Labeling the Chapters in a Work of Fiction

Labeling the chapters in a work of fiction deserves a lot of thought and creativity. However, it shouldn’t be something to fret about. If you have struggled in the past with finding the right title for each chapter in your novel, these easy-to-use tips will make the task of labeling your book chapters much easier.

Use thematic chapter titles for fiction

Just like there is a primary theme for your whole manuscript, there is also a subtheme for each chapter. The subthemes can be twisted into short words or replaced with words nearest in the description for the chapter. However, you should be careful not to spill out everything about the chapter in the label. To avoid spillage, use few words. It could be a word or two to three words.

For example, if a chapter in your book deals with a certain expedition, or even a search for something, whether abstract or not, using a label such as “The Quest” will do just fine.

Another example is if a chapter talks about how a character finds it difficult to forgive another character, then employing the name of the character receiving the action is OK. e.g. “Forgiving Brian”

Other examples include, “The carnival” “Birthright” and so on.

 Use chapter settings

Another way to get creative with your book chapter label is by using the settings. Don’t forget settings in literature deals with time and place. So labeling your chapters with titles such as: “After Dawn”,  “When the moon embraces the sun”, “Oji River” and so on will give more life to the chapter.

While the first example simply talks about sunrise, the second talks about the evening. The last example, however, is the name of a place.

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Use suspense-filled words

Your label is not just meant to sit above your chapter content; it can play an effect on your reader. Using labels that arouse the interest of your readers can make them read a whole chapter at once no matter how long it is, in search of answers.

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For example

Labels such as “Heaven can wait” will spur a reader’s interest to find out how and why, especially for readers who are so avid about religion.

Also, a chapter with a label like “A dance with the devil” can create some thrilling effect for readers.

Finally, you can combine numbers with words when labeling the chapters in a work of fiction. Whichever way you choose, be sure to do it the right way.

Chima Rachael J.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Five Habits to Avoid in Fiction Writing


fiction writing

As with personal documents or academic writing, fiction writing can be challenging. Our editors have encountered five problems on a regular basis. By avoiding these habits, your fiction writing will be greatly improved.

1. Generic verbs and nouns

Imagine trying to paint everything in the world using just four colors. The results would probably look pretty generic. When you are a writer, your language is your medium. People, places, and things (i.e., nouns) have names, and it's your job to know what they are.

Precise nouns work wonders in fiction writing because nouns have connotations or meanings that go beyond their dictionary definitions. If one character gives another character flowers, tell readers what kind of flowers. Are they tulips or columbines or snapdragons or peonies? This information could hint at what time of year it is (tulips are pretty scarce in September) and could also tell us something about the character who gives the flowers. Four dozen roses are expensive—does this person have money or like to show off? A bouquet of wildflowers might have come from the character’s backyard—perhaps this person likes to garden.  

A similar thought process should be applied to the selection of verbs. There are at least 12 synonyms for the verb to laugh, and each one evokes a specific image. A character could express amusement by cackling, chortling, chuckling, giggling, guffawing, snickering, sniggering, tittering, crowing, whooping, simpering, or smirking.

Precise verbs contribute greatly to characterization. If a man walks into a room, all your readers know is that he has entered. He could be anybody. But if he limps in, right away readers want to know if he is old or injured or tired. If he runs in, readers know he is energetic or excited about some piece of news. If he swaggers, readers wonder if he is full of himself or perhaps just drunk.

2. The exception: He said, she said

Reading good dialogue makes readers feel like they're actually listening in on a real conversation. Because of this, it can be very disruptive if the author keeps butting in to tell readers that the speaker intoned or declared or asserted or retorted. It may seem like using "said" repeatedly in dialogue tags is repetitive, but in fact the little word is so inconspicuous, it just fades into the background—which is exactly what we want when we're trying to listen in on a good conversation.

The rare deviation is fine (asked, in particular, seems to be okay once in a while), but if you find yourself using a colorful synonym for every dialogue tag in your manuscript or screenplay, you may be doing more harm than good.

3. Adjective/Adverb-a-rhea

Sometimes a well-placed and specific adverb or adjective strengthens or clarifies an image. However, many writers, in a misguided attempt to make their fiction writing descriptive, overuse these words. If you master the use of precise nouns and verbs (see tip number one), you'll almost certainly avoid the bad habit of propping up a weak verb or noun with a host of intrusive modifiers, as in the following example:

Carrying a steaming and fragrant mug, she walked angrily and loudly into his office.

Why write that, when you could have simply said:

Carrying her peppermint tea, she stormed into his office.

The second sentence actually gives us more information using fewer words.

Furthermore, when editing your manuscript, be especially wary of adjectives that don’t actually convey much...

interesting, lovely, exciting, beautiful

...and adverbs that introduce redundancy...

stereo blared loudly (blared implies high volume)

scrubbed vigorously (scrubbed implies intensity)

...or contradict the meaning of the verb or adjective they modify.

slightly pregnant (with pregnancy, you either are or you aren’t!)

very unique (something is either unique or not unique)

4. Inconsistent point of view

An author of fiction must choose the perspective, or point of view, from which a story will be told. In first-person narration, one character tells the story in his or her own voice (using "I"). Third-person narration can be either limited (an objective narrator tells the story by focusing on a particular character's thoughts and interactions) or omniscient (the narrator sees and hears all).

No single point of view is better than another, but once you have made a choice, be consistent. If your story is told in first-person, then remember that the narrator must be present in every scene he describes to the reader; otherwise, how would the character have the information?

Similarly, a limited third-person narrator who hears only Tom's thoughts tells the story for the first four chapters, the reader should not suddenly be privy to the mailman’s daydreams in chapter five.

Of course, there are some great examples of novels that experiment with point of view by switching between narrators. But even in these stories, some kind of predictable pattern is imposed for clarity, such as a change in narrator from one chapter to the next, but not within a chapter.

5. Unnaturally expositional, stilted, or irrelevant dialogue

Read your dialogue out loud. Does it sound like the way people actually talk (without all the ums and ahs and boring digressions, of course)? Do the characters rattle off factual information you are trying to jam into the story? Are they talking about the weather? Because if they're talking about the weather, you'd better have a good reason for it. Otherwise, the reader will feel bored, and a bored reader closes his or her book and turns on the TV.

All of this advice is important, but by far the worst habit a fiction writer can develop is the habit of giving up too easily. Keep writing every day. If you need help, remember that our manuscript editors are available 24/7 and that they can help you tackle all of your manuscript mishaps.

Culled from Scribendi

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

How to Make Marketing your Fiction a Reality


fiction book that needs marketing lying on surface with open glowing pages

The book market is a crowded one and authors need to keep looking for creative ways to make their books stand out. There are crucial steps you should take so that your fiction can be noticed by a potential reader who probably has other fictional works begging for his attention. In this post, we'll show you three of them.

Marketing Your Fiction: What and What Do You Absolutely Need to Do?

Create and Enhance your Author Website

Your author website should give readers an opportunity to experience your personality and story settings. It should tell your reader all they need to know about you while equally giving them an experience that will stick and make them long for your work. Use quality artwork and images to give glimpses of your story that will make the reader salivate even more. Here's an example of a great author website.

Also, if you want to do the best job marketing your fiction, you've got to avoid using bland language and instead use fascinating text to tell readers about you from a dramatic point of view. Note that if your website is boring, they will assume your book is boring as well. Also, offer free content like unpublished short stories, video trailers, contests and tour dates. Fans love free stuff!

Newsletters Are Like Love Letters

You know those job sites that keep sending you emails and you really don’t know how to make them stop? Yes, this is something similar but a little less annoying. On your website, there can be a section where the reader can fill in his or her details to get regular updates from you. Now, instead of sending annoying emails making it all about you and your upcoming book, you can make it about them. How? Let your newsletter be reader-focused with articles, short stories, book previews, latest news, etc. Then chip in your book promotion.

In the example below, author Helena Rookwood shares some personal updates to her readers in her newsletter, and at the end she adds some book recommendations - books that aren't even hers but that her readers would find interesting.

newsletter example from helena rookwood which is a good instance of marketing your fiction appropriately


This strategy ensures that whenever your readers get a mail from you, they won’t ignore it because they know it is worth reading. You can add social media promotion as well, but do not depend on that alone.

Create That Reality Feel That Readers Can Connect with

Readers will connect more to your story when there is a feel of reality attached to it. Let your characters go through real-life situations that are peculiar to your community and that your audience can relate with - poverty, domestic abuse, tribalism, religious battles, etc. Ask yourself how your characters will fare in today’s world and use that answer to show changes in the society. Then, write articles around your idea and let those articles draw attention to your book. Jump on social trends, unsolved mysteries etc. Build your fiction around a truth that most people can relate to.

If you would love the assistance of excellent professionals in making your fiction a reality, then reach out to SOIPublishing and get started.