Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Six Signs You are Meant to Be a Writer

It is possible for you to have a flair for writing but because of some criticism of your work, you feel you are not meant to be a writer. In spite of those doubts you might have, here are some indicators that you are meant to be a writer:

1. You have a childhood passion for writing

There is a tendency that if as a child you loved to use pen and paper mostly to write (and not to draw), then you are probably meant to be a writer. Children mostly know what they love and are meant to do, even if they cannot express it.

2. You daydream about writing

When you find yourself frequently mulling over an unwritten story in your mind especially when you are not in an environment that would permit you to write, you are probably meant to be a writer.

3. You don’t mind writing for free

Do you readily accept or even search for opportunities to write without getting paid for it? That could be another sign that you are meant to be a writer.

4. Your excuse for not hanging out with people is that you want to write

This is quite straightforward; that is, if you would rather stay indoors and write than hang out with your friends, it’s clear you love writing and you are probably meant to be a writer.

5. You have great admiration for writers

When the people you admire most are authors like Shakespeare, J.K. Rowling, Chimamanda Adichie and John Grisham, then you are probably meant to be one too. Also, if you also have a natural talent for using elevated language and you tend to use it in your writing and speech, then that is probably another indicator that you are meant to be a writer.

6. You feel empty on the inside unless you write

Do you sometimes get bothered or feel somewhat incomplete because you haven’t written for a long time? That is a sign that you are meant to be a writer.

Now, if you found yourself nodding in agreement as you read this piece, don’t quit writing yet; you are probably meant to be a writer. You just have to keep writing so that you can get better at it.


At The Ready Writers Consult, we have seasoned writers who will take you from thoughts to print. Ready to start working on your book? Contact us now.

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