Saturday, September 3, 2022

10 Grammar Mistakes that Can Keep Your Content from Spreading


content writer tired due to grammar mistakes

Ever read a blog post and think, “This writer seems to have some good ideas, but the grammatical errors are driving me crazy”?

(Pro tip: If you don’t ever think this, some of your readers probably do.)

Grammatical glitches make your writing harder to read, and they turn readers off.

Content may be king, but you’ll gain a lot more respect and credibility if your writing is just as brilliant as the ideas you convey.

And by brilliant, I mean clean.

When your writing is clean, readers understand where you’re coming from. And the more your readers understand and respect where you’re coming from, the more likely they are to share your content.


10 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Content Writing


As editor of Brazen Careerist’s blog, Brazen Life, I often see the same errors in submissions for our site. If our smart contributors make these mistakes, chances are you make them sometimes, too.

So next time you write a blog post, whether it’s a guest post or for your own site, check it over for these errors:

1. Using that when you should use who

Whenever you write about people, refer to them using who, not that.

John is the guy who always forgets his shoes, not the guy that always forgets his shoes.

It’s easy to make this mistake because that has become acceptable in everyday conversations. But it’s more noticeable when it’s written down — or maybe it only jumps out to us grammar geeks?

2. Including the word currently in your bio

The word currently is virtually always redundant. (Can you tell this is one of my pet peeves?) But let’s focus on your bio, because that’s where most writers fail on this one.

Don’t write: “Tom Jones is currently a communications director.” If Tom Jones is anything, he’s that at that moment; you don’t need “currently” to clarify.

Just get rid of it.

3. Starting a sentence with There is or There are

This isn’t an actual error, but it’s often a symptom of lazy writing.

There are lots of better, more interesting ways to start sentences.

Ooops. See how easy it is to make this mistake?

Instead of starting a sentence with There is, try turning the phrase around to include a verb or start with you. For example, replace the sentence above with Start your sentences in a more interesting way.

If your copy includes a lot of phrases that begin with there is or there are, put some time into rewriting most of them.

4. Writing bullets that don’t match up

Bullet points are a popular and effective way to organize complex ideas. Just make sure your bullets correspond to one another.

For example, since this piece calls for 10 mistakes, each item needs to be something you don’t want to do. Too often, writers mix and match mistakes with what you should do or make transition to shoulds halfway through the post — which only confuses the reader.

If your piece is called 3 Career Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make, here’s a bullet point that works:

  • Forgetting to tailor your resume each time you apply for a job

Here’s one that doesn’t work (because it’s not actually a mistake — the writer inadvertedly switched to what you should do):

  • Make sure you tailor your resume

Likewise, if you’re offering “tips for writing while balancing on your head,” make sure the bullets are actually tips, ideas that start with an action verb, not “sitting on your head helps you think better.” That’s a reason to write while balancing on your head, not a tip for how to do it.

Often you can turn any idea into a tip by adding a verb. For example: “Remember that sitting on your head helps you write better.”

Make your bullet points consistent and your writing will read more smoothly.

5. Not using contractions

Which sounds more personable: I am heading to the market that is close to my house, or I’m heading to the market that’s close to my house?

Contractions make your writing sound friendlier, like you’re (not you are) a real person. And that makes it easier to connect with readers.

Contractions can also make your post easier to read and comprehend. So go out of your way to include them in your posts! Your editor will thank you.

6. Falling into the ing trap

“We were starting to …” or “She was skiing toward …” Whenever you see an ing in your copy, think twice about whether you need it — because you probably don’t.

Instead, get rid of were or was, then eliminate that ing and replace it with past tense: “We started to …” or “She skied toward …”

Pruning excessive “ings” makes your writing clearer and easier to read.

7. Adding a comma after that

When used as a descriptor, the word which takes a comma. But the word that doesn’t.

For example: “We went to the house that collapsed yesterday” or “We went to the house, which collapsed yesterday.”

Confused about when to use that vs. which? Grammar Girl offers a great explanation.

8. Using over rather than more than

Over 200 people did not like your Facebook page — More than 200 people did.

Of course, everyone will know what you mean if you use over. But using more than is one of those little details that will help your writing shine.

9. Forgetting to hyphenate modifiers

Whenever you modify a noun with more than one word, you need a hyphen. Lots of people don’t follow this rule, so it’s a great way to show you actually walk the walk.

That means you need a hyphen if you’re writing about full-time work. But you don’t need one if you’re working full time. Got it?

The exception: No need to hyphenate modifiers that end in “ly.” Those are OK on their own. So your newly hired employee doesn’t need that hyphen.

10. Writing could care less when you actually mean you couldn’t care less

Which is exactly how some people probably feel about this post.

But you? You’re a writer who writes clean copy. And following these suggestions, as picky as they may be, will help you create content that’s clearer and easier to read … and that makes it that much easier to share.

Culled from Copyblogger

Five Social Media Mistakes that Could Kill your Business


icon of social media marketing app facebook

Social media is vital for big business, but an online blunder can make or break your company. Here are five mistakes to avoid.

Social media is a necessity for businesses. Whether it be for marketing, customer service, or public relations, social media is often how companies stay relevant in their customers’ lives and aware of any issues that arise. However, a wrong step on one of these platforms can work against companies, digitally tarnishing their reputations.

In 2017, the world watched the social media failures of big names like Dove, Pepsi, and Adidas. Whether it be misspellings, misconstrued images, ill-timed humor, and offensive remarks, social media mistakes are easy commit. While many social media problems start out small or happen quickly, the mark is still made, and the company still gets hurt.

“Social media is now the avenue for escalating and for overall turning the event into a much louder discussion,” said Nick Hayes, a senior analyst at Forrester. “A lot of what you have to do is start to think about how an organization has typically thought of and managed crises in the past, and start to apply that lens of social media.”

A social media faux pas doesn’t only cause problems externally, but even more so internally. Hayes highlighted the interpersonal and financial impact companies can face after such an incident. If your reputation is bruised, partners may not be as eager to work with you. The costs in and out of the business are significant as well.

Take the example of United Airlines, which faced strong criticism on social media after a video of a man being forcibly dragged off a plane by security went viral. The company tweeted a statement from its CEO, which many criticized as too cold and corporate.

This social media disaster hit United’s stock prices hard, and led to many internal issues regarding customer experience, Hayes said. With a newfound negative public perception, United found its popularity decreasing.

Protecting your company is easy, however, you just need to be aware of common social media mistakes. Here are five habits to stay away from.

1. Forgetting your brand

When constructing a social media persona, you have to know your brand. With every post, social media managers must keep in mind the company’s core values. It’s important to ask yourself before posting, “Does this post align with my company’s beliefs?”

Social media mistakes are often made when companies are trying to stand out. In an effort to gain publicity, companies may try to post something funny or eye-catching, but these types of posts also leave the most room for error. With the subjectivity of humor, companies need to be very careful that they aren’t crossing the line. If a company is considering entering a social media discussion about politics or making a joke online, they need to ask if that post would really support their company’s overall brand.

“It’s always important to, whether you’re a social media director or somebody responsible for the social voice of a brand, make sure that [a post] is aligned with the core values or mission statement of the brand, and that the tone of voice comes across in every online interaction,” said Gartner research director Jay Wilson.

2. Disregarding your audience

Going hand-in-hand with knowing your brand, you must know your audience. Businesses need to remember the personality of their customers and what social media would play well. We currently live in a very polarized country, politically and socially, Wilson said. This polarization is accompanied by an increase in vocal public opinion, which is amplified through social media platforms.

After asking yourself if a prospective post aligns with your brand, then ask if it aligns with your consumer. Both questions act as quick filters when deciding to post something out of the ordinary.

“Strategize, and really talk about and brainstorm what are the potential issues that could arise,” Wilson said. “Whether you’re taking a stand on a specific issue or you’re simply putting a campaign out there, what are the potential reactions that you might expect from this increasingly polarized audience?”

3. Plagiarism

Probably the easiest online slip-up is not giving credit where it’s due. With the amount of data and ideas floating around the internet, originality can be difficult to achieve. If a company posts a statistic or fact without attributing the information, then they can not only find themselves in a lawsuit, but also branded as a plagiarizer.

“Brands need to create playbooks and have internal processes so that their teams understand what’s fair use, what constitutes express consent, what constitutes implied consent,” said Wilson. “If you are leveraging third party content, which is something that we often recommend that brands do—finding relevant news stories or content created by partners or thought leaders on social—that’s a great source of content for brands, but you need to make sure that you’re using it in a way that’s not overly promotional, and that you have consent to use that content.”

4. Failing to prepare

Sometimes the biggest social media problem isn’t an incident itself, but the aftermath. These platforms spread information at such a fast pace that companies are given less time to respond in the event of a crisis. Hayes emphasizes creating a template for response, rather than just waiting for something bad to happen, when you won’t have time to do so thoughtfully.

“I think brands don’t drill enough,” said Wilson. “They need to be doing drills and running simulations and scenarios to make sure that their human processes, their technology, is able to quickly identify and respond to social crises.”

5. Inauthenticity

Always say sorry, and when you do, mean it. If a company is accused of a major wrongdoing, they need to apologize, and they need to do so genuinely. Referencing back to United, Hayes noted their half-hearted apologetic nature to their blunder, circumnavigating the actual consumer concerns around the event. Companies should keep an authentic voice in every message they send, but especially when it comes to apologies.

Wilson suggested creating employee advocacy programs to carry out messages to consumers. “People tend to trust front-line employees more than they do C-level executives,” Wilson said.”They want the apology from the C-level executive, but they want to listen to front-line employees and their experiences with a brand, so if you have an employee advocacy program in place, that’s a great go-to resource if you find yourself in a crisis.”

Culled from Tech Republic

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

How to Identify a Target Audience For Your Book Marketing


marketing for an audience

While marketing a book, targeting too broad an audience is a common mistake many authors and book marketers make. In an age where many readers have access to virtually any book at any time, it’s incredibly difficult to make a single book stand out. Historically, bookstores have done targeted consumer marketing by shelving books in appropriate sections and stocking their stores with content that their particular customers have enjoyed in the past. Now that more and more readers are discovering new content on their own, it’s the author or publisher’s responsibility to make sure the right books get into the hands of the right readers.

Rather than trying to market every book to every potential reader out there, it’s in your best interest to focus your marketing efforts on a smaller group of “qualified leads,” or readers who have demonstrated interest in the type of book you’re trying to sell. This will ensure your marketing dollars are better spent and the readers you reach are more likely to purchase your books.

Simply assigning your book a sub-category on retailer sites is a start, but it isn’t enough. You need to know enough about your audience to know what kinds of books they’re searching for, and to cater your marketing copy — retailer descriptions, synopsis on your website, blog posts and interviews, tweets, etc. — to these search queries to be sure they find your book and choose it as their next read.

According to Mike Shatzkin, to ensure your book is discovered by users actively searching for books online:

The key knowledge required is not so much what’s in the book as what search terms the most likely customers will use to ask the question or express the desire for which the book is the right answer or fit. And in the world of digital information, Google is the primary intermediary, not the reviewer or bookstore buyer.

So how can you define the right audience for your book to enable smarter, more targeted marketing? How can you better understand what readers are actively searching for?

1. Information you should gather about your audience

Before you start marketing your book, you should have a clear understanding of the audience you’re trying to reach. Knowing your audience will help you create content and messaging that appeals to your readers specifically, and determine the channels on which you should spend your marketing budget and time. Here are some examples of questions you should be able to answer about your potential fans:


  • What is their age, gender, and income level?
  • What do they do for a living? Are they retired? Stay-at-home moms?
  • What level of education did they complete?
  • Are they married? Do they have children? If so, do they still live at home?
  • Where do they live? (Region, urban vs. rural, etc.)


  • What are their favorite books (besides yours)?
  • Who are their favorite authors (besides you)?
  • What genres do they read most often? Are they loyal genre readers?
  • How many books do they read per month?
  • Do they read mainly for work or for pleasure?
  • What kinds of movies and TV shows do they watch?
  • How do they spend their free time, aside from reading? What are their hobbies?
  • What kind of vacation do they like best? Or do they prefer to stay home?
  • What are their buying habits? Do they make impulse purchases or hunt for great deals?
  • How do they choose what book to buy next? Do they rely on recommendations from friends, are they loyal to particular authors, or do they grab the best deal they find?

Online behavior:

  • What publications and blogs do they enjoy reading most?
  • What social media sites do they spend most of their time on?
  • Where do they shop most (online and offline) for books?
  • Do they visit any forums? Google groups? Reddit?

2. Collect answers from your existing audience

Instead of guessing at the answers, consider posing these questions to your existing audience, or readers of books similar to yours. While this research takes time, the information you discover will be an invaluable resource for all your future book marketing efforts. There are a few ways you can get these answers from your existing audience:

1. Surveys. Create a survey using a tool like SurveyMonkey, SurveyPlanet, or KwikSurveys. As often as you can, especially for questions on demographics or genres read most, create multiple choice questions (dropdowns, radio buttons, or checkboxes) so you can easily compile the results. If all of your questions are free-response text fields, it will take you longer to read everyone’s responses individually. Then publish a blog post with a link to the survey and send the survey to your email list, encouraging them to participate and explaining why it’s worth their time to answer these questions. You can also join forces with any author friends in your genre who publish similar books to get as many responses as possible.

2. Reader interviews. Conduct a few interviews with readers over the phone or in person. Many people love talking about themselves, so you’ll have an easier time finding participants than you’d think. Prepare a list of questions ahead of time, but anticipate going off script too. Try to dig into the reader’s rationale when you want to understand more about how they find books to read or make purchasing decisions. This will help you get a more colorful picture of your readers than analyzing survey responses in excel.

3. Focus groups. A focus group is typically a collection of 5–10 people who are guided through a discussion by a moderator. As an author or book marketer, it’s easy to discover focus groups… find someone who’s part of a book club and ask to tag along to the next meeting! First, be a fly on the wall — listen to how people discuss and respond to a book similar to yours. Then have questions prepared for the group, just like you would during a reader interview.

4. Your social profiles. If you have a Facebook page or a Twitter profile with a substantial number of fans, you can review the insights tools on each platform to understand more about the demographics of the people paying attention to you online. On your Facebook page, navigate to Insights > People to see demographic breakdowns by gender, age, geography, and language.

Facebook Author Insights

On Twitter, navigate to your analytics page by clicking here and click Followers in the top navigation. Here you’ll find all sorts of interesting data about your followers, ranging from demographic data to lifestyle information and consumer behavior.

Twitter Author Insights for marketing

3. Create a reader persona as inspiration for marketing messaging

Now that you understand more about your audience, create a reader persona that describes your core customer. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated — just a short paragraph you can refer back to whenever you’re creating an ad, designing your cover, writing a tweet, or want a refresh on what might motivate your audience to pay attention.

Here’s an example reader persona (which is 100% fake):

Debbie is a 45–54 year old married woman living in the suburbs whose children still live at home, or recently moved out. She’s college educated and works full time, and she loves traveling and laying on the beach with a good book. She’s a loyal contemporary romance reader, and reads at least one book a week. Her favorite authors are Nora Roberts and Jude Deveraux, and her favorite movies are Titanic and The Notebook. When she’s not reading romance, she peruses People and US Weekly, and is subscribed to the blog Smart Bitches Trashy Books. She spends most of her time online on Facebook and dabbles with Pinterest. She also does most of her book shopping online, and while she’ll grab a good deal when she sees it, if she loves an author’s work or series or is tempted by what’s trending, she’ll buy a book at full price.

Once you understand your audience and what motivates them at this level, you’ll be able to better target your marketing and focus your efforts where your readers live, browse, and shop each day.

Also keep in mind that your book may have multiple target audiences. For example, there are many Young Adult thrillers with crossover potential to the Thrillers & Suspense market. You can create multiple personas and different marketing strategies for each persona to reach a wider audience.

4. Know what your audience is searching for

The next step is to compile a list of search queries that your target audience is using to search for books. There are a few ways you can find these terms:

Research which keywords are trending. Google Trends can help inform you of interest levels of particular terms. You can enter a generic keyword in your niche, such as “romance novel,” for example, and see the interest over time and also what related queries are most frequently used. From there you’ll get more ideas for trending terms, giving you more keywords to look up to see how they’re trending.

Google Trends for marketing - Romance novelAdwords Groups

Do keyword research. Similarly, you can use Google’s Adwords tool to research keywords people are searching for. Once you enter a broad keyword, Google will give you keyword grouping suggestions and show you the search volume each keyword is receiving and competitiveness — how many other websites are targeting the same search term — of the words in that group.

Once you click into any of these groups, find keywords that are relevant to your book, have a good amount of average monthly searches, and have medium or low competition. These will be your sweet spots for keywords to focus on in your marketing copy.

Adwords Keywords for marketing

Blog comments. Once you know which blogs and publications your audience frequents online, head over to those blogs and search for articles about books like yours. Scroll down to the comments to see how people are talking about these books, and if they’re expressing interest in other books they’d like to read that are similar to this book. This could also give you ideas for more terms to research using Google Trends or the Adwords Keywords tool.

Culled from Book Hub

3 Ways Writers can Cripple Self-Doubt


woman going through self-doubt

Self-doubt is both positive and negative, depending on your response. It could be motivating or deleterious to one’s ability. But most times, the tendency to it being negative is high. Therefore, anyone aspiring to success or relevance in a discipline or profession must be deliberate in the effort to cripple the coated demon. Similarly, the first thing you need to master, as a writer, is self-doubt.

Jason Rose gives a reasonable analysis of what writing is. He says, “Writing is 10% skill, 40% hard work, and 50% crippling self-doubt.” In other words, if you could cripple self-doubt, you have attained an average in writing.

However, writers are feeble and self-conscious. While quality fuel the thirst to know more, to feel more, to have more, to be more, it could become a boisterous storm that can drown one’s ability. Hence, managing the emotions and feelings attached to the feebleness is primary to improving one’s writing skills.

At one point or another, the feeling gets under our skin. Like a witness to the soul, its voice scribbles on the tablets of our hearts: “You are not good enough.” “Your writing is bad.” “That sucks.” “You’re such a jerk.” The words are like seeds thrown into the field, longing for the rain and the rough and tumble of the farmer. And when it is not revved up from the farmer’s activity, it dies.

Similarly, when you doubt your power because of the lies that are crawling in your head, you give power to your doubt. The lies came, in the first place, so you could question your abilities and drop your pen.

Nevertheless, it’s a choice one must make with anything in life: to either believe in yourself or allow yourself to be sucked into self-pity and feelings of self-doubt. Here are some things that can help you trust yourself again when feeling defeated:

Ground yourself

It is the nature of winds to blow, but it is at the helm of each object not to get blown away. A tree that is not firmly rooted will bow to the storm. When you are grounded in the belief of your ability and skill, you are shielded against the gremlin of self-doubt.

You should note that doubt, in itself, is not bad, it’s your response to it that matters. Self-doubt is there to test your agility and perseverance. Most times, self-doubt springs from feedback and criticisms. These are the rewards of every writer’s piece. However, our charge is not to fight but to check our egos, absorb everything, learn from everyone, expand our way of thinking, and improve.

Take a break

If you are feeling overwhelmed by what you perceive as not going so well, take some time away from that project and focus on something totally different. Sometimes, shifting our focus away from what we are stuck on helps us take a new perspective when we come back to it.

Paul Tremblay, an American author and editor of contemporary horror, dark fantasy, and science fiction, says, “For the times when I’m still filled with anxiety that isn’t going away, I get up and walk away from the computer and go do something else; exercise or chores; something physical. It’s important to give yourself permission to bail on writing and not beat yourself up too much about it. More times than not, when I’m not actively thinking about the book, an idea or a solution to a problem in the story bubbles up.”

Damien Angelica Walters, the author of Paper Tigers and Sing Me Your Scars, also adds, “Read a lot, watch a movie, go out, do anything but write. When I do that, the negative feelings start to melt away and I remember why I write: because I love it. It isn’t about accolades or anthology invitations or even sales; it’s about telling the stories that I have inside me to tell.”

Never compare yourself with another

Self-doubt puts you in a hole where you begin to compare yourself with others as you question your identity. Success is not in comparison, but in the assurance of your identity. Never give in to comparison.

Instead, it is important to get the support you need from others. Whether this is from friends, family, or a professional therapist or coach, getting reassurance or help from others can make a big difference.

Sometimes, just the reassurance that you are not the only one who gets stuck or has moments of self-doubt can help you shift away from a “why me” attitude.

7 Bold Marketing Lessons You Can Learn From Apple


bold marketing lessons from apple

Not too long ago, for those of us who were born in the last century, Apple was an afterthought.

Post-2000 the company rebranded itself in a revolutionary way. Despite the fact that they’re roughly on par with other computers and devices, they enjoy a reputation for being the best and command a premium price because of it. It’s not all due to the aesthetic design, either.

Even if you’re not a fan of their products, we all know someone who is almost slavishly loyal to the brand. They proclaim them the best at every turn, and word of mouth is a powerful force.

This leaves us asking ourselves: what exactly did they do to revamp their entire image in only a few short years?

The answer is simple: downright brilliant marketing.

I wholly endorse learning from the best, and when it comes to branding and advertisements they’re definitely up there. Learning this way means one thing: we have to ask ourselves questions about the success of the company involved.

After all, if you don’t know what’s been done it’s pretty hard to replicate.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the seven best lessons I think you can take from Apple’s marketing and talk about how to adapt them to your own business.

1. Think Carefully About the Need for Advertising

Apple actually runs pretty minimal advertising despite their increasing market share.

Think about it, apart from an ad once in a while most of the stuff you hear about their products comes from those who are fans of their products. Whether it’s reviews or the friend who can’t stop raving about his new iMac, they allow their products to speak for themselves.

There is also a lot of product placement done by the company, particularly in high-budget films and TV shows.

You can take the same approach with your business, provided that you’re supplying a high-quality product.

Now, it’s unlikely that you have the budget to have Tony Stark wielding your product in the next Avengers movie. Instead, you’ll want to scale this down to the basics.

What you can do is supply a high-quality product or service that speaks for itself. Try to get major influencers within your niche to utilize it.

If you’re providing a service, then a free trial is a great way to do it if your business model can allow it. Otherwise, you might want to collect and publish testimonials from those who are using your business to succeed. Publish them high and low. See if you can convince a few to do it of their own accord.

Case studies are also a bold move in the right direction. If you increased traffic by 200% with your SEO services, or your copywriting increased conversions by 75% or whatever else you may do, you can easily format a study to show why you should be picked over your competitors.

It’s easier said than done, but the less you have to spend on traditional advertising campaigns, the higher ROI you’re going to experience.

2. Don’t Engage in Price Wars

Apple avoids price wars. They cost more than any comparable product and still manage to sell tons of products.

Price wars are always a losing proposition. Ask a freelancer some time. Anyone who’s actually succeeding will have a bottom price and won’t take anything under it, no matter how you try to haggle with them.

When you engage in price wars, you always lose.

Instead you should do what Apple does: focus on telling your customers why you cost more than the competition… then prove it. Justify the cost and it’ll get paid.

While you still need to be wary of the competition, if they start dropping their prices make your own product or service better and don’t give in to the temptation to stoop to their level.

You can also offer different levels of service or different types of products in order to make sure that those buying from you have a wide variety of options. Keep your high ticket sales, but also offer some lower priced options.

But never, ever drop your prices en masse simply because your competitors are doing so.

3. KISS: Keep it Simple Stupid

If there’s one place that Apple really shines it’s in how easy their products are to use. There’s a reason that tech nerds prefer PC and Android products: they’re more customizable and versatile for the most part.

They’re also more prone to failure due to user error.

Even their advertising is relatively straightforward and simple. When was the last time you saw any of their copy directly advertising the technical specifications behind their product?

This reduces the potential customer’s apprehension about the product. The fact of the matter is that most tech users don’t actually care about the specifications behind a device as long as it does what they want to and has a user-friendly interface.

From the aesthetic on down, Apple really is a simple company.

Try taking the same approach with your own business and you’re sure to see some pretty impressive results. Overwhelming consumers with information is exactly what you don’t want to do.

Instead, wow them with the ability to make even the hardest-to-understand principles easy. Then show them what they need and gently guide them to making the right decision: your products.

If you take any of these lessons to heart, make it this one. It’s easy to apply no matter what industry you’re working in.

4. Emotional Marketing

Building on the last lesson, the way to really reach a consumer is through their heart.

When you see an Apple ad you don’t see a bunch of technical specs, you see people sitting around and enjoying their device. After all, who cares what the resolution is? Look at all those happy people enjoying their new iPad.

Forging an emotional connection with your customers is one of the best ways to get through to them. Most people aren’t exactly rational when it comes to choosing the things they buy. Instead they buy them based largely off of their emotions.

Forging ahead and making your potential customers laugh, smile, and perhaps feel just a touch of awe when they see your marketing is one of the most important ways you can connect with them.

And if you connect properly, they’re going to be a lot more likely to buy from you instead of a competitor.

5. Take Aim at Your Audience

Apple targets a specific part of the market and they do it extremely well.

What’s more, they know how to talk to them.

As I’ve pointed out, the average Apple user isn’t likely to be the type who’s wowed with the hardware. Instead they already want an Apple product and just need to figure out which one.

Their pages are covered in large pictures of the products and simple, easy-to-understand copy about the benefits. The specifications are there, of course, but to get to them you’ll first see what amounts to beautiful ads in an old glossy magazine.

They speak directly to their customers, in language they understand.

Being able to do this is one of the keystones of any type of marketing. This isn’t unique to Apple, but they do it better than almost anyone else.

It boils down to this: know your target audience and speak in their language.

6. Nurture a Sense of Community

Apple users tend to flock together. They talk about their products, they rave about them to those who aren’t part of the “cult”, and, above all, they’re loyal to the brand.

This also means that a large part of their content marketing is done by the end consumer instead of having to be produced by the company. There are countless “unboxing” videos online, arguments emerge on social media with users of other devices, and all of this serves to keep them constantly at the top of many people’s minds.

In short, they’re a community.

While it’s not possible with all products and services, if you see the potential to develop this kind of thing with your business you absolutely should. The more people are talking about what you’re selling, the higher your profile will be.

A higher profile means more things being sold.

Engage with your customers. Subtly encourage them to share your products with their friends, and also to share their experiences. If you can tap into it properly, you can form a loyal base of customers which will drive sales beyond your wildest expectations.

7. Become “the Brand”

Apple is the brand when it comes to computers. You’ll rarely hear of people rapidly loyal to Dell or HP or ASUS for their laptops after all. The latter three are pretty much interchangeable and bought on their technical specifications alone.

But Apple users… buy Apple products. Because they’re made by Apple.

Now, not every business is going to be able to take advantage of this powerful level of branding. If you’re running a start-up, however, and you have a truly novel idea you have the potential to do exactly that.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Seven Questions To Ask When Building Your Author Brand


your author brand poster

An author brand is more than just a fancy website. It goes beyond color schemes, fonts and a logo. Sure, these things are all part of the bigger picture, but they don’t reflect your brand as a whole.

But, what exactly is a brand? And how can you develop one as a writer? In simple terms, your brand is what distinguishes you from everyone else out there. It’s your values, your personality and, ultimately, the unique stories only you can bring to the literary community. All of these things should be reflected in your personal author brand, whether that be through your website, or through your social media feeds.

While it can be easy (and tempting!) to get caught up in the process of picking out color schemes, fonts, and a logo that is sure to blow everyone away, it’s important to dig deep and focus on the core questions that truly set you apart from everyone else. That’s what branding is all about.

So, as you start (or continue) to develop your own brand as an author, keep these questions in mind.

1) Why do I write?

This question lies at the heart of every brand, not just author brands. Why do you do what you do? What motivates you to sit down at your computer (or notepad) to write? These are your values as an author, the things that keep you writing day after day, even when the going gets rough. You can use your values to guide your brand forward in a way that is authentic and meaningful.

2) Who are my readers?

Understanding who you are and what you believe in is important, but so is understanding your audience, or readers. Without a firm grasp of who your readers are, you won’t know what they need and want. And if you don’t know what they need or want, how can you effectively build a brand that attracts your ideal reader?

3) What do I have to offer my readers?

I know what you’re thinking: “I offer awesome stories, isn’t that enough?” And, to an extent, it is enough! However, it’s best to get as specific as possible with what exactly you have to offer your readers. For example, if you’re a romance writer, what sets your book apart from the thousands of other romance novels out there? Why should a reader pick up your book, specifically? Again, really dig deep, and if it helps, reach out to your beta readers. What drew them into your book? For them, what sets your book apart from the rest?

4) Does this truly reflect who I am as an author and a person?

It can be really tempting to try and imitate another person’s style and brand. Especially when we view that person as being more successful than us, whether that be through more book sales, or a bigger social media following. No matter how tempting it may be, don’t be a copycat! It will only hurt you in the long run and, ultimately, it’s just not sustainable. Pretending to be someone you’re not is exhausting, so it’s best to be as authentic as possible when building your own (unique!) author brand.

5) What are other authors doing?

I know, I know, I just told you not to be a copycat. Now, I’m telling you to look at what other authors are doing. Why? For starters, it’s always a good idea to follow other authors, especially those who write in the same genre as you, because it can be an excellent source of knowledge. Maybe a fellow author blogged about a conference that you couldn’t attend. Maybe another author has valuable insight on writing and selling e-books. Ultimately, you should never ignore other authors just because they’re “competition.” More often than not, it’s the friendships that you form with other authors that push you to grow, evolve, and improve, so don’t miss out!

6) Am I willing to be consistent?

Brand consistency is key to making sure you don’t confuse your readers, or yourself. But what does it mean? On the surface, it means consistently using the same design elements, such as colors, logos, taglines, and more, across every platform you’re a part of. At a deeper level, it means that your message (i.e. who you are as an author, who your readers are, and what you have to offer) are crystal clear.  

7) Am I willing to evolve?

Authors evolve over time, and so do their brands. Maybe you’ve decided to go in a completely different direction with your writing. Maybe your values and core message have changed. Whatever the case may be, there is no shame in adjusting your brand to account for your growth as a writer. On the other hand, while it’s important to remain flexible, you don’t want to shake things up too often, as this can create confusion. It’s a good idea to reevaluate your brand once a year, and ask yourself: does this still represent who I am as an author?

Would you like to be widely-read? Let SOI Publishing bring your book to life with high-quality production services. Contact us here.



Culled from DIY MFA

How to Write for Teens Without Sounding Like an Adult Writing for Teens


notebook for writing for young adults and teens

Ask any agent and they’ll tell you the trick to nailing young adult writing is in the voice. And even though I spend my workdays with teens, I heard it countless times when I was looking for representation for my failed first YA novel. So when I finally buried that novel for good and moved on to what became DON’T GET CAUGHT, I was determined to make sure the voice was right. It took more than eight drafts and constant revisions, but ultimately I signed with an agent who sold the book in a little over a month. The trick, I’ve found, is first to get yourself back to thinking like a teenager again, and once there, writing your novel as a teenager would. Here are 10 practical tips on how to do just that.

1. Time travel.

To sound like a teenager, you need to become a teenager again. Here’s what I want you to do: Spend a week or longer solely writing out your teenage memories. Start it as a list at first—naming friends, enemies, teachers, adventures you had, successes and screw-ups, choices you had to make, etc. Next, choose the memories that stand out the most to you, and write about them. The important part here is to focus on how you felt during these experiences. This is definitely a dam-opening type of exercise of memories and feelings.

2. Relive the terror of your yearbook.

Yearbooks are essentially monsters collecting dust in your closet. Open one up and you can’t escape seeing people who didn’t want to see ever again, reliving moments it took a team of therapists for you to forget, and being filled with all of the confusing emotions high school fills you with. But it’s also a great way to get in touch with those emotions, which is essential to writing authentic voice.

3. Listen to the music.

I got this trick from fellow YA author Josh Berk who once told me when he needs to return to thinking like a teenager, all he has to listen to is Green Day’s “Dookie.” For me, I use my youthful obsession with R.E.M. To this day I can’t hear any of their songs without being transported back to my high school bedroom or cruising around in my beater of a car. Other bands also transport me to other times in my life. It’s an odd trick, but it works. If you listened to anything obsessively in high school, or if there’s a movie you watched endlessly, revisit them and see what place they take you to. Write down the feelings you get from them.

4. Contact your old high school friends.

This is a simple one: Get in touch with old friends and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll revert back to sounding like you’re a teenager again. Failing that, eavesdrop shamelessly on teenagers. It’s not hard—they’re not usually the quietest bunch! Plant yourself at the places they hangout—the mall, coffee shops, school sporting events, etc.

5. YouTube it.

Teenagers broadcast their lives these days to the nth degree. Take advantage of that. YouTube is full of videos of teens talking, giving advice, and just being plain. Tuning in is a great way to pick up the flow of their language. Search: “Teen YouTube Stars” to get started.

6. Find a picture and make it talk.

Once I have a clear image of my character, I have a good idea of how that character sounds. Do this: Image search high school photography studios. Search the results until you find your character—you’ll know him when you see him. Now, what does he sound like? Copy and paste the picture onto your document and have this person introduce himself to you. This likely won’t be the finished voice of your novel, but it’ll let you get started.

7. Write for plot first.

More so with YA writing than with other genres, I suggest writing the complete story out first, then worrying about revising the voice later. This is so you can focus on one thing at a time, instead of plotting and getting the voice right at the same time. Try to write it in a voice close to what you want, but focus on getting the story down first with no pressure of getting the voice right.

8. Loosen up.

Something about being an adult just tightens you up. To write YA with authentic voice, you need to loosen up. With Don’t Get Caught, when I knew I had the story I wanted, I revised (and revised and revised) with a relaxed, devil-may-care attitude—one that eventually helped me find my MC’s real voice. Do this: Take a paragraph you’ve written and are unhappy with voice-wise. Now, stand up, walk around the room maybe while chewing a piece of gum (always good for loosening up!), and type the idea of that paragraph again, but faster and looser, telling yourself no one will ever see it but you. When you’re finished, do it again, maybe after some jumping jacks this time, or blasting a pop radio station. (Really. Try it.)

9. Overwrite.

When you’re doing your voice revision(s), it’s the asides, apparently meaningless observations, and throwaway conversations that will help you hear your characters. Teenagers have opinions on everything, so put them into your draft. Don’t worry about word count at this point; that’s for later. You can trim back an overwritten passage much more easily than you can add voice to a sparse one.

10. Shorten It Up.

OK, so your novel-in-progress is now full of lots of teen thoughts in just the voice you’ve been looking for. It’s time to cut it way back. Because here’s the thing—teenagers don’t speak in long, drawn-out monologues (hint: Don’t use “Dawson’s Creek” as an example). They generally don’t describe things that way either. Their vocabulary is common and accessible. Before you send out the book to your critique partners, cut way back on the paragraphs, descriptions, dialogue, and change any adult verbiage to more common language.

Culled from Writers Digest

Why Writing Skills Are Crucial for All Entrepreneurs


Writing skills for entrepreneurs

I've been a writer my entire career. I love it. I also enjoy writing about what makes for good writing as well as coaching and editing others.

What's cool about being a writer is that you can always improve, and you should want to, too. You can always find a better, more succinct way to make your point, be persuasive -- and in the case of us entrepreneurs use writing to win more business. You might not be a writer, but you still have to write business proposals and emails or come up with a tagline, a mission statement or copy for your website. You still have to be able to communicate what you do and what sets you apart.


Recently I enjoyed catching up with fellow word and grammar nerd (a term of admiration, I assure you) Mignon Fogarty, a.k.a. Grammar Girl, who produces the podcast "Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing." By the way, if you doubt people's hunger to understand writing and grammar, consider the Grammar Girl podcast is surpassing 300 million downloads this month. Here's some of what Fogarty and I talked about.

Good writing is simple.

Think subject, verb, object, period and in that order too. No need to bog down your writing -- and the reader -- with fancy clauses, adverbs or adjectives.

"Attention spans are so short, you have to use as few words as possible," Forgarty said.

A few words on subjects and verbs. To connect with the reader or create urgency, use second person, or "you." First person and second person are the most engaging.

As for verbs, think active over passive. You'll paint a clearer picture and won't have to rely on adverbs. Also, think of the simplest, most common verbs. For example, we talk more than we converse. And utilize is an overused corporate word for use.

"A lot of times when people use those big words they sound like they might be insecure," Fogarty said.

Note that not everything you write is urgent, exciting or otherwise screaming for an exclamation point. Don't succumb to the peer pressure. The period works great 99.9 percent of the time. 

Good writing isn't formal or jargon heavy.  

"So many people feel they have to be overly formal in business writing to be taken seriously," Fogarty said. "They have to use all the jargon and buzz words." Yes, oh my goodness yes. Every day of my life in corporate communications. 


I have one corporate business partner who defies the mold. She lets me delete most of her adverbs and simplify her sentences. She once asked me why my writing sounded different than what she sees elsewhere in the company. What high praise. I wanted to reach through the phone and hug her. Simple sentences. Active verbs. First and second person. Limited adjectives and adverbs. No jargon. I don't have any other tricks.

Writers are on their own a lot more.

From newspapers to corporations, the ranks of copy editors have thinned. That means writers are on their own and have to be their own editors, too. What's a writer to do? To check for grammar, syntax and typos, Fogarty's number one recommendation is to read your writing aloud. I agree. It works.

I also have my go-to resources that I consult: Merriam-Webster online and The Associated Press Stylebook online. And thank goodness for Google, because I always need to look up "affect versus effect." 

Let's all calm down about texting and social media.

I asked Fogarty a question on writing and social media that I'm sure she gets a lot. Are texting and social media making us worse writers? Fogarty has an optimistic view. Social media can make us better writers, because it forces brevity, she said. I agree. It's like headline writers. Those people are poets. This is why I miss the good old days of Twitter when tweets couldn't be longer than 140 characters. I enjoyed the challenge of being ultra brief. By comparison, 280 characters feels like a book.  

As for texting, Fogarty likened it to private notes that people have passed through the ages. Always hastily written, because that's what the audience has always expected. Our parents wrote IOUs. Kids still sign yearbooks with BFF and HAGS (look it up). Heck, OK is an abbreviation for a misspelling from the mid-19th century, Forgarty noted.

Need help with your writing tasks? Let TRW Consult take the pressure off you. Contact us now!



Culled from INC

Friday, July 29, 2022

13 Lessons From an Epic Book Tour


book tour human graphic

Months before my book, Tides: The Science and Spirit of the Ocean, came out, I teamed with several publicists to build a twelve-month, 100-event tour. Yes – 100!

We targeted the coastal regions of North America, including Canada and Alaska. We booked events at universities, book stores, grammar schools, breweries, museums, aquariums, libraries, Audubon Societies, surf shops, outdoor stores (L.L.Bean, REI), land trusts, literary conferences and festivals, science centers, and specialty clubs (yacht clubs, book clubs, and the Explorers Club). The tour was shaped, of course, by the fact that my book is non-fiction and about the ocean.

None of the publishing professionals I worked with had seen a tour this large, or even close. They thought I was crazy.

It’s now August. The book has been out six months and I’ve given 75 talks in about 60 cities and towns. Here are 13 things I’ve learned:

1. Events drive media; media drives sales

The speaking event itself is important, but what happens around it is even more important. My publicist often described events as “anchoring,” because they’re the foundation on which media attention is built. Even if your event itself draws a small audience, hundreds of people — maybe thousands or tens of thousands — will learn about your book through event-driven media – radio, newspaper, or TV. The event is the pebble thrown into the pond.

2. Plan ahead

Many of the best speakers series are planned six or eight months in advance. If you get in early, you’ll have more flexibility in scheduling. Be open and persistent. Sometimes good things take a long time to happen, and sometimes they don’t. Don’t force it: your event will be more successful if the organizers are excited about having you and claim full ownership for it.

3. Find good partners

If you schedule events with groups that have well-established and well-attended speaker programs, they’ll have nice venues, good tech support, and an ability and willingness to spread the word. (Don’t be your own producer or schedule with a group that hasn’t done this before!) Some groups are nationwide, like The Audubon Society, so once you get in with one, the door opens to others.

Some of my best events involved multiple partners. In Port Angeles, Washington, for example, we encouraged the local bookstore to partner with the library, college, local science center, and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). We got lots of publicity and a hundred people turned out for the talk. One organization takes the lead; the rest help spread the word (they get their name on it, which should make them happy). Another good partner was the Nature Conservancy of Canada, who sponsored four great events in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (around the Bay of Fundy). The events were scheduled, catered, and well publicized by the NCC.

4. The Goldilocks Scenario

Medium-sized cities are often easier to book an event, get media attention, and attract a good-sized audience. In the big cities you’re competing with many other worthy events. We scheduled talks at most of the major coastal cities – LA, Seattle, Boston, New York, D.C, etc. — but had some of our most successful events in mid-sized towns like Port Townsend, WA, Astoria, OR, and Santa Barbara, CA, on the west coast, and Camden, ME, Boothbay, ME, Woods Hole, MA, and Martha’s Vineyard, MA on the east coast. This doesn’t mean you should focus only on mid-size and smaller towns. It’s not either/or; it’s both/and.

5. Midweek evenings are the sweet spot

Weekend or day events tend to draw smaller crowds.

6. Universities, no. Bookstores, maybe

If your goal is to sell books and get the word out, I recommend staying away from universities. The audiences are usually small, less attentive, and made up mostly of students who don’t have the money to buy books (nor the time to read outside their assigned texts). Bookstores are a natural, but your event will almost certainly be scheduled during business hours, which can be distracting to both you and your audience. Additionally, bookstores tend to schedule a lot of author events, which means yours will not get special attention from either the bookstore staff or the media. The good thing about a bookstore event, however, is it allows you to meet the staff. If they like you, they’ll recommend your book.

7. Intangibles matter, too

I agreed to give a talk at the Library of Congress because, well, an author just doesn’t say no to that. I flew to LA to be on a panel exploring “Memoir and Travel” with Mark Kurlansky at the LA Times Book Festival. I think I sold three books, but I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. And, for a favor and because I like kids, I agreed to meet with 80 grammar school kids in Santa Cruz.

8. You’ll pay – literally

Don’t expect anyone to care as much about your book as you do. And don’t expect anyone to work as hard as you will. For free. You won’t get paid for giving talks (occasionally you’ll receive a token $100 or $200), and most publishers have limited funds to support a tour.

9. Treat your presentation seriously

Develop it with the same care you gave your book. Keep it to 35-40 minutes and allow time for questions afterward. Memorize it. Read from the book, but no more than five minutes. Don’t give everything away; leave them wanting more. Send a suggested script for your introduction, as well as a press kit with links and photos for the venue to use for advertising. If you have technical needs (I have images and a short video), bring a kit of connectors that will allow you to plug into any system, and show up an hour early for testing. I even brought my own speaker (small but powerful) that saved me many times.

10. Sometimes you’re lucky and sometimes you’re not

Luck has many dimensions, and it always plays a role. A blizzard blew up on the eve of my talk at the Harvard Bookstore. Only fifteen people showed up. At Providence Library, Rhode Island, my event landed on the first sunny day of spring. It was my smallest audience – nine. On the other hand, The Oregonian printed a review two days before my talk at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, and I was interviewed on NPR the day of. We sold out the 320-seat theater and turned away 70

Every author has a story of reading to an audience of one or two. It happens. Don’t fret or judge. See the big picture. Do your job. In setting up my tour, we aimed for audiences of 50 or more. In the end, we ranged from 9-320, with an average of 70. One advantage of having lots of events is that you’re less inclined to get attached to the success or failure of any one of them.

11. Booksellers and books sold

Don’t handle books yourself, if possible. Have a local bookstore do it (you have enough to do!). So far, actual book sales have varied wildly from event to event, with no apparent reason. Sometimes 10% of the audience bought them, and sometimes 100%, with an average of about 25%. Remember that there will be couples in the audience who will buy just one, if they buy at all. Book sales tend to begin a couple weeks prior to an event (assuming there’s publicity) and continue for a couple weeks after, so total books sold for each appearance could be double or triple what you sell at the event itself.

12. Drink water. Swim at the YMCA

Touring is tough on the mind and body. It’s a workshop. A marathon. If you care about what you eat and drink and if you thrive on exercise, as I do, the road is especially challenging. I drink lots of water, especially when I’m on a plane. I also try to drink less alcohol, generally, and take walks and swim at the YMCA. They saved me!

13. Why tour at all?

When a new book is released, authors traditionally embark on a 10-15 event tour, covering 4-6 major cities. With the growth of social media, where you can reach thousands of people at a key-tap, some say tours are a thing of the past. My experience is otherwise. The key-tap approach is important, but there’s nothing more valuable than engaging with people face to face, especially about a subject you – and they – care about. The results of even the briefest encounter can be surprising and far-reaching.

Almost every author I know complains about how little their publisher did to promote their book. My experience with my first book, Talking on the Water, was so disappointing that I decided to hire an independent publicist for this one. My rationale was this: If I was going to spend seven years researching and writing this book, I wanted a publicity effort to match. From the start, I vowed that I would leave no crumbs of regret on the table – either in the writing or in the promotion. By year’s end, I’ll have spent a lot of money and been away from home about 120 days. But I’ve left no crumbs.

Culled from Writers Digest

Top 3 Questions You Should Ask in Writing Creative Design Proposal


man reviewing creative design proposal

Make yourself stand out from other designers by drafting a creative design proposal that will impress potential clients.

Leave no room for them to think twice.

By showing off your talent, experience, and professionalism early on, clients will have you at the top of their minds during the hiring stage. Make sure that they will remember your creative design proposal among all others by giving them something unique.

Before doing down to the details and technical information, it is important to ask yourself the following question before creating the creative design proposal. These questions include:


Who is the audience?

Early on, you should know who will read your creative design proposal. Are you targeting a Fortune 500 company, a small business, or a marketing agency? The needs of each can vary significantly, and so does their budget. In addition, you have to find out whether your proposal will be read by the business owner, marketing manager, or an assistant. In some cases, the reader may not be familiar with your services. It is important to clarify certain aspects of the work to keep them reading.


What impression do I want to leave?

The main goal of the creative design proposal is to get the reader’s approval. Even if the client is not yet ready to hire right now, they should take away something from going through the document. This is critical in landing projects. Be sure to state your assessment and recommendations upfront. This will let you leave a good impression. By projecting a professional image, prospective clients may even shortlist you for future work.


What can I do to get the job?

The creative design proposal you submit can either be accepted or rejected. Rejection doesn’t mean that your proposal isn’t good, it may just mean that the client doesn’t have the budget for it right now. In some cases, the timing may not be right but they intend to implement your ideas in the future. In writing the creative design proposal, you can only do your best. Follow solid guidelines in writing proposals and insert your own personality into it. The rest is up to the client.

Wring a creative design proposal is all about understanding what the client requires and building your recommendations around it. Don’t assume that you know better than prospective clients. After all, it is ultimately their decision whether to implement your ideas or not. In addition, always write the proposal from the reader’s point of view. Think about what the client’s reaction might be when going over your suggestions.

The little details matter as well. There are a lot of contractors and agencies which might be submitting similar creative design proposals to the same client. It is important to make the reader feel like they’re getting a good deal if they choose you. This may entail providing initial consultation, giving a small discount, and being communicative. Give them your full attention whenever you’re talking over the phone or chatting online over project details.

Culled from Bidsketch

Ways to Inject Some Fun in Your Social Media Marketing


social media marketing icons

Social media marketing is easy!

But it is also very easy to get it wrong when we fail to adjust to the platform. People are online to have fun and once we are in tune with that fact, our social media marketing will be more successful.

Here are ways to inject some fun into your social media marketing.

1. It’s social before media

The mistake many businesses make is that they forget that the platform is meant to enable people to get social. So they bring their traditional marketing techniques to social media and then wonder why they are not getting any attention.

You should know that people are not on social media for your product. The world does not revolve around your business. So when you acknowledge that people are online for social purposes - to connect with friends, meet new people and have fun, then you will get your social mask on before you market. Loosen up a bit!

Share jokes, spark a conversation. Help customers with valuable information and they will pay attention when you have something to market.

2. Run competitions

It does not have to be complicated. It can be just something that can spark a conversation. For instance, if you are a food vendor, you can post a picture of a spicy-looking plate of food and ask your friends or followers to mention those they can share that with. You can also run promos online and whoever wins, gets a discount.

3. Think of visuals

Those on social media are more inclined to watch a video than read a text. This is why most vendors employ the services of social media comedians who post short skits that make people laugh. When someone sees a funny video, he or she is more inclined to share it, so you will be wise to take advantage of this. Also, video advertising on platforms like YouTube can be very successful.

4. Give people something to remember

It does not need to have anything to do with your product, it only has to remain on people’s minds. Think of creating a funny character or slogan that people will use. Slangs work very well, especially in Nigeria, and musicians have taken advantage of this. Why can’t businesses do the same?

5. Be weird (a little) on social media

Do not go full-blown psycho but some of the online adverts that have done well in the past have been the weirdest. Many people are online to have fun, so you have to make them laugh. Think back at some of the weird campaigns you have seen and the amount of traction they have gotten. However, be cautious because this is a dangerous line to thread seeing as there is a thin line between being weird and offensive.

Social media allows us to reach out to more people than we would normally do, but for us to be successful, we have to speak the language of social media.


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Publishers’ Insights You Should Know Before Writing Your Manuscript


publishers' insights before publishing manuscripts

There are publishers’ insights you should know before writing your manuscript, especially if you intend publishing your book for commercial purposes. Certainly, it is expected that your creativity should reflect in your writing, but you will need more than just your creativity to get ahead of the pack.

Below are the publishers’ insights you should know before writing your manuscript

Figure out what readers want:

If you are not writing for yourself, then you must figure out what readers want before writing, especially if you are writing for commercial purposes. You should find out the genre that gets talked about the most. More so, look out for what fascinates readers in the selected genre. Find out how to write a bestseller

Be your judge:

Ask yourself questions when writing. If you had visited a bookstore, would you have selected the same book you are writing over the books authored by other people? Once you can answer this question honestly, then you’ll be sure you are on the right path.

Research on the book genres that sell fast:

Take a market research dive into book stores. Visit print book stores as well as popular digital book stores such as AmazonGoodReads, and others. Find out the genre that sells fast on each platform. That way, you would know the particular genre that sells fast, and consider writing spinning a good tale in that genre.

Find out books that earn a profitable income:

Some books are generally expensive compared to others. Academic books  tend to be more expensive due to the substantial amount of research put into place.  More so, depending on location and level of relevance, some books are likely to cost more than others. For instance, while a health book or journal on how to treat and prevent a certain endemic disease might sell at a higher price in the regions where the disease is most prevalent due to demand, it might not be as expensive in areas the disease is less prevalent.

Having all these publishers’ insights in mind will help you with the self-awareness on how well your book would perform in the market.